District Superintendents make up the Mid-Valley Special Education Cooperative Board. The liaisons oversee the provision of special education services for all students with disabilities who reside in their districts. The liaisons meet with the Mid-Valley leadership team at least monthly to identify common needs and the ways in which working collaboratively through the cooperative they can best serve the children and their families of the districts.

Batavia School District 101

Mr. Tom Kim 
Superintendent D101
(630) 937-8800

Ms. Kari Ruh; District Liaison
Director of Student Services
(630) 937-8807

Central District 301

Dr. Esther Mongan
Superintendent D301
(847) 464-6005

Mr. Mike Potsic; District Liaison
Director of Student Support Services
(847) 464-5862

Kaneland District 302

Dr. Todd Leden
Superintendent D302
(630) 365-5111

Ms. Fran Eggleston; District Liaison
Director of Student Services
(630) 365-5111 x111

St. Charles District 303

Dr. Paul Gordon
Superintendent D303
(331) 228-2000

Laurel O'Brien; District Liaison
Executive Director of Student Services
(331) 228-6848

Geneva District 304

Dr. Andrew J. Barrett
Superintendent D304
(630) 463-3000

Ms. Anne Scalia; District Liaison
Director of Student Services
(630) 463-3060

St. Charles Community Unit School District 303