Mid-Valley Programs in Batavia, Geneva, St Charles, and Burlington Central are IN SESSION tomorrow. Mid-Valley Programs in Kaneland are CLOSED. Kaneland will not run transportation, so parents must transport to open Mid-Valley programs.
Under the Freedom of Information Act of 1984, public bodies are required to make available all public records to citizens wishing to inspect and copy them. School districts and Special Education Cooperatives are public bodies.
Mid-Valley Special Education Cooperative is happy to comply with the terms of this public Act and strives to make public information accessible to those who are interested.
You are free to call administration 331-228-4873 to request information or consult Board policy 2:250.
If you would like to make a formal Freedom of Information Act request, please write a letter requesting your information and be sure to include your name, address, and phone number(s).
Also, identify if the request is for a commercial purpose or if you are requesting a fee waiver.
Please be as specific as possible to the document(s) you are requesting. Public bodies are not responsible for compiling information or creating documents as a response to a Freedom of Information Act request if they don't exist.
A fee of 15 cents per page (over the first 50 pages) may be charged for copying black and white documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act.
Who to Contact
Individuals interested in obtaining public information from Mid-Valley Special Education Cooperative are asked to contact or send their requests to FOIA Officer, at the Mid-Valley Administration Office at 1304 Ronzheimer Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174.
The FOIA Officer is Matt McDonald and he can be reached at matthew.mcdonald@d303.org
For More Information about the Freedom of Information Act can be found through the Illinois Attorney General's Office.
St. Charles Community Unit School District 303