Emergency Closing Procedures

  • MVSEC staff members will be notified of a D303 emergency closing via ConnectEd, the electronic messaging system. Staff in satellite programs follow the closings of their respective districts.

  • Staff members who work in satellite locations should either listen to the school closings on major radio/TV networks, or they may consult their district's website or www.emergencyclosingcenter.com.

    If the district has an electronic messaging system, it is requested that the staff members/parents be added to the list. If a school district is closed, that program is closed for the day. Parents always have the option to keep their child home for the day. The absence would be recored as excused.

  • If ECC is closed, the SAIL program is closed for the day. If District 303 is closed, the SAIL program is closed for the day. Parents of these programs should consult their home school emergency information because transportation may not be provided if their home school district is closed.

  • Itinerant staff follow the emergency closing, regardless of their location for that day. If D303 is closed, they do not work. If D303 is in session and their program location for the day is closed, the itinerant staff are expected to alter their schedule and submit it to their supervisor.
  • Parents should listen to the school closings on major radio/TV networks, or they may consult their district's website or emergencyclosings.com. If their child's home school is closed, there will be no transportation. If a program is open in another district and the home school district is closed, parents may opt to transport their child, but there will be no transportation provided.

  • It is recommended that the executive director of MVSEC be placed on the communication system with each member district (excluding D303).

  • Twelve-month employees are expected to work on days when school is closed if it is safe to travel to work. District 303 plows and clears the sidewalks. A phone tree for the leadership team will be started by the executive director.

  • Early dismissal arrangements are communicated to parents via teacher phone calls.

  • Late starts follow the same procedures as listed above.

  • If there is a power failure/water problem at Mades Johnstone Center (MJC), each teacher will phone the parents.

  • If some of the districts use emergency days and others do not, the end dates for MVSEC staff will be changed. Each staff member should follow the calendar of their program locations.

St. Charles Community Unit School District 303