The Mid-Valley team is working together with our partner districts to provide a wonderful ESY opportunity for our students!

ESY Student Registration

ESY forms for referrals and registration are live in January 2025. There are a few things to highlight this year such as tweaks to equipment and materials shipments and changes in applications.  

Please make sure that you prep the equipment/materials requests as if all of your students are going to ESY. That way we can arrange spreadsheets for the different district O&M teams so they can plan accordingly for how much they will need to pick up from schools and deliver. Last year, many teachers thought that they just needed to complete those right before school was out and it led to a lot of missing equipment that our staff had to go pick up because the districts had already made their deliveries.

ESY Employment

Applications are only needed for staff new to ESY. Returning ESY staff will just need to complete the interest survey. These are both posted on our website under employment and there is a link to the website on the At-A-Glance document.

Here is the At-A-Glance Document:

2025 ESY at a Glance

About ESY 2025

Dates: June 16th-July 10th (No school June 19th)

Days: Monday- Thursday

Hours: K - 12 & Transition (8:00-12:00)  Early Childhood (8:00-10:00 & 10:00-12:00)


  • Bell-Graham Elementary School (St Charles)
  • Mades-Johnstone Center (St. Charles)
  • Shelby Transition Center (St. Charles)

Next Steps

For Parents

Parents of students who have been referred for ESY by their home districts will register here to ensure that their child has a spot in the program.  

Districts will contact parents regarding transportation arrangements the week prior to ESY.  

For Districts

Beginning in January, Districts will refer students to the program by clicking on the following link.  Referrals are due by March 7th.

District ESY Referral (CLOSED)

Late District ESY Referral (Open after March 7th deadline)

ESY Coordinators

TS Tanner Seal

Principal: New Directions and Safe Schools

MM Melissa Mills

Assistant Director

TM Tressa Matuszewski

Assistant Director

MA Mike Ackerman

Assistant Director

St. Charles Community Unit School District 303