Mid-Valley Programs in Batavia, Geneva, St Charles, and Burlington Central are IN SESSION tomorrow. Mid-Valley Programs in Kaneland are CLOSED. Kaneland will not run transportation, so parents must transport to open Mid-Valley programs.
Mike Ackerman
Assistant Director
Bridget Dahlberg
SAIL Teacher
Jeanne Danos
Certified School Nurse
Kristin Dean
Speech Language Pathologist
Samantha Gerdau
Occupational Therapist
Lindsay Jorns
Physical Therapist
Mackenzie Nissen
SAIL Teacher
Kimberley Payne
Vocational Facilitator
Nicole Perri
Speech Language Pathologist (CTS)
The S.A.I.L. transition program is a community-based, life-skills program for students ages 18-22. The goal of the program is to prepare students for the transition from public education to adult living at age 22. The program uses supported real-life experiences to facilitate the development of independent adult skills. As appropriate, students practice their independent skills in community settings. The SAIL students meet in a variety of locations based on their individual needs. Several of our students from our Member Districts spend 2 days per week at Elgin Community College where they are able to explore the college, work with their teachers on academic life-skills, receive social-emotional support and coaching as well as take college courses. Students in the SAIL program also spend time at Shelby Center in St. Charles, Fox Valley Community Church in Batavia, Baker Memorial Church in St. Charles, as well as several worksites throughout the Fox Valley area.
Program components include:
St. Charles Community Unit School District 303